Thursday, June 30, 2011

Lebanon Outdoor Wedding Advertising

In a country like Lebanon, with a struggling economy, my answer to a question like: " where can I make money?" is practically ridiculous... But I will say it, nonetheless: "the wedding industry".

lebanon wedding advertising

A simple look at the Lebanese highway from Dora to Dbayeh will make you understand:
The purchasing power in the hands of the ladies
lebanon wedding marketing

The importance of the wedding fiasco in Lebanon
lebanon wedding

The money spent in the Lebanese wedding industry
lebanon marketing for wedding

Here's a sample selection of outdoor advertisements in this limited area, all pictures were taken on June 28th, 2011;

lebanon wedding marketing

  >>> A link to a similar post Advertising Trends in Lebanon: Spring 2010
As you may have already guessed, not much has changed since.

lebanon marketing wedding

Lebanon still thrives on a booming wedding industry.

lebanon bride marketing


Bassem B. said...

I am constantly being amazed at the amounts that people spend, over here, on a wedding. Not only do I think it's ridiculous to spend this much, I also just do not understand where all the money comes from, when these families are otherwise "3ala add 7alon" (barely pulling together).

I suppose it's the same thing that makes them go into debt in order to have the new car, perfume, clothes or phone.

One-upping your neighbour and showing off: the hidden drive of Lebanese economy!

youmny said...

Hey Bassem,

Such a waste of money, right? I don't understand either. Yet, from an economic point of view, at least one industry is still lucrative here!